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The CARE4BIO team is a well-balanced network of 26 partners, including partners from the EU-13 and Associated Countries, combining all levels of relevant experience and expertise in the field of the Cluster 6 of Horizon Europe (Food, Bioeconomy, Natural Resources, Agriculture and Environment). Many fulfil multiple roles, for instance also working in other NCP networks or Enterprise Europe Network (EEN), different Clusters and Pillars, or are appointed as Programme coordinators. CARE4BIO is open to all National Contact Points for Cluster 6 and serves the needs for transnational cooperation between NCPs for Cluster 6 and collaborations with similar projects and initiatives in the cluster 6 EU ecosystem but is also set up to guide researchers in their quest for securing EU funding in cluster 6. 

CARE4BIO website


Brokerage Platform

The CARE4BIO b2match platform is open again!
Register NOW to book online meetings, engage with peers, form consortia and build HE Cluster 6 applications!
The platform will be open until 25th December.
More information:
- Care4Bio website
- UEFISCDI website

Romania during the Brokerage Event on 26 September 2023 in the following document:


CARE4BIO latest news

🎄Christmas and New Year are quickly approaching! We wish you a great holiday season, filled with joy, happiness and many gifts. 
Our HE Cluster 6 NCP network, CARE4BIO, has been now running for a year and a half, so this is a great time to update you on our achievements so far.

🚀What kind of “gifts” can CARE4BIO offer you in this Xmas season? 

• We have our own CARE4BIO dedicated website

• We have a newsletter to which you can subscribe using the following link

• We organised trainings concerning ‘International Cooperation’ and ‘How to apply the multi-actor approach in Cluster 6 proposals’

• We organised Cluster 6 brokerage events with the EC and have developed a 'matchmaking platform', open until Dec 25th

• We have a dedicated button on the website for funding opportunities in HE Cluster 6, HE partnerships, HE missions and other EU rogrammes 

• We inform you about upcoming training, events and news via the buttons ‘Activities’ and ‘News’ on the website 

• We provide a wide range of tools via the ‘Repository’ button such as : 

- the Cluster 6 Policy Database, a document that sets out the context and overview of the policies relevant for HE Cluster 6 
- the Annotated proposal templates for Cluster 6, with comments, tips and tricks, guiding questions and do's and don'ts 
- the Stakeholders map, which provides an overview of the Cluster 6 direct and wider environment and collects stakeholders such as respective HE Missions and partnerships relevant for the cluster. 

👉Browse our website to find out more! 

More information:



Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding

Str. Frumoasa 30 

010987 Bucharest, Romania

+40 21 308 05 43

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