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Net4SocietyHE (N4SHE) is the transnational network for Cluster 2 "Culture, Creativity and Inclusive Society" (CL2) National Contact Points (NCPs) in Horizon Europe. NCPs are officially designated to advise researchers and other relevant, eligible stakeholders in their efforts to secure EU funding. N4SHE builds on Net4Society, the network for Societal Challenge 6 NCPs in H2020, and NCPs for Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities in FP7 (started in 2008) and will further develop services and tools created by its predecessor to help NCPs to succeed in their work.
To support SSH Integration across Horizon Europe, Net4SocietyHE will organise SSH-themed brokerages, special training on the topic for NCPs, and publish an "SSH Opportunities" document, highlighting SSH research funding chances beyond flagged topics within Horizon Europe, including in missions and partnerships, and separately publicize opportunities in other EU Programmes.

Net4SocietyHE website



Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding


Str. Frumoasa 30 

010987 Bucharest, Romania


+40 21 308 05 43

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